Sunday, February 20, 2011


So what happens?

Baby boom! UH OH.
Lots and lots and lots of humans.
They over-run the "garden".
Little toddler 'Jez' wonders off due to neglect from his middle-aged crisised ex-model mother
and discovers some Giants living in a shed with their newborn.
Mug (Father), Juju (Mother), Big (Baby), Pickles (Grandad) and Giles (Uncle)
all live in the forgotten corner of the "garden" In the old shed.
They haven't had much time to garden since having a baby.
And the "garden" is infested with Humans.
So to make a new place for the baby to play they call in...
The not so hip-happening trio of muscled and tooled up garden professionals,
can create your dream Garden in just 48 hours.
Thus begins the epic struggle between Gardener and Garden Pest
as the Giants wrestle the Humans for somewhere quiet where
they can have a Sunday BBQ when the weather is nice, and enjoy the
smell of that first summer Tulip.
Oh and did I mention that everything in the "City Garden" is grown?
Yes that's right, everything. Especially the buildings.
Tune in your Television box's to channel 1 this Tuesday at 8pm.

p.s. as luck would have it, Sheila Hancock is brushing up on the art of watercolours on BBC1 right now. Thank's Sheila. :-)

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